Felix Radtke (1); Louis Becker (2); Simone Herzog (1); Jonathan Lentz (2); Sebastian Weber (2); Christoph Broeckmann (1)
1- Institute of Applied Powder Metallurgy and Ceramics (IAPK) Aachen, Germany
2- Chair of Materials Technology (LWT) Bochum, Germany
Additivated powders for powder bed fusion – laser beam (PBF-LB/M) process allow for innovative materials, which cannot be produced by conventional manufacturing techniques. In this study, Si3N4 powder is added to an austenitic steel powder for the manufacturing of high nitrogen steels (HNS). Therefore, two different types of additivation are investigated using tumbling mixers with and without grinding balls. Variations in the oxygen content and particle size distribution of the ceramic powder are analyzed to gain knowledge regarding influences on the rheological and reflective properties of the additivated powder. The flowability and packing density are determined as a function of humidity and drying parameters of the powder. The first samples of the investigated powders were processed by PBF LB/M. Microscopic investigation reveals new insights into the melting mechanisms of metal/ceramic mixtures. An analysis of the residual powder gives first indications regarding recyclability.