
Raquel de Oro Calderon (1), Robert Steinlechner (1), Wolf-Dieter Schubert (1)

1-Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien), Austria


WC-Co cemented carbides alloyed with Ru are relevant for the hardmetal industry in spite of their high cost. These alloys are used in applications requiring very demanding thermal properties and good performance in aggressive and abrasive media. For some applications, it is difficult to find an alternative material that could offer a similar performance. WC-Co-Ru alloys are analysed in this work considering carbon contents covering the whole carbon window, and using an equivalent WC-Co alloy for comparison. Ru additions broaden the carbon window by increasing the solubility of W in the binder phase all over the carbon window. Thus, the addition of Ru modifies the chemical composition of the binder which has some slight effect on grain growth inhibition. However, the main factor determining the grain growth inhibition seems to be the carbon content, Ru playing only an indirect role.