A.V. Shulga
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute),
31 Kashirskoe Sh., Moscow 115409, Russian Federation
Rapidly quenched REP-powders produced by melt atomization, evidently, are characterized by the same effect of quenching rate on structure features as in traditional solid state quenching. However, the critical cooling rate, determined in the TTT diagram for melt phase transformation: crystallization is much higher than its value for suppressing austenite transformation in carbon steels. Important features of rapidly quenched powders – high dispersity of dendrites and formation of fine grain struc-ture – determine the precipitation of carbides. Direct nuclear methods of activation autoradiography on carbon, track autoradiography on boron, metallography, SEM, EDX, etc were used for investiga-tion. The structure features including the lattice parameter of a solid solution of rapidly quenched REP powders, HIP PM compacts, products of austenitic stainless steels and their traditional coun-terparts were revealed and analyzed taking into account the role of carbon and boron, precipitation of carbides, borides and effect of non-equilibrium states of investigated materials.