Gonçalo Oliveira (University of Coimbra, Portugal),
Bernardo Alves (University of Coimbra, Portugal),
Ana Maria Rocha Senos (University of Aveiro, Portugal),
Cristina Maria Fernandes (Palbit S.A., Portugal),
Daniel Figueiredo (Palbit S.A., Portugal),
Maria Teresa Vieira (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
A cermet grade with TiCN as major phase and 15wt.% Co|Ni as the binder and secondary carbides WC, Mo2C and NbC was selected for indirect additive manufacturing (Material Extrusion). These powder constituents were the primary material of feedstocks to produce filaments for the indirect AM process – Material Extrusion (MEX). The filaments result from the extrusion of a feedstock previously optimized (CPVC= critical powder volume concentration) and selection of polymeric binder and additive. Concerning the cermet powder particles, 4Ss (particle size, particle size distribution, particle shape, and particle structure) and the quality of the organic binder|additives through the feedstock and filament behaviour were evaluated, in what concerns “printability” and sinterability. Cermet 3Dobjects were successfully printed by MEX and sintered. No significant deformation was measured after debinding and sintering, and no undesired phases were detected in the microstructures of the 3Dobject.